General information on preventive measures against Covid19 in our Guest House.
Dear customers,
Your health and well-being are of the utmost importance to us. Please understand that due to the covid19 emergency we have to ask guests and employees of our Guest House to comply with the rules laid down in the decree law of 17 May 2020 and in compliance with the protocols adopted by the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces, suitable to prevent or reduce the risk of contagion. The required social distancing and the obligation to use the mask by guests and employees in common places is a necessary safeguard measure for your safety. Be assured that the cordiality that has always distinguished relations with our guests remains for us in first place, even if expressed at a distance of one meter these days. In the hope of being able to return to normality as soon as possible, please pay the utmost attention to the rules set out below for your and our protection.
(Guidelines for hotel accommodation in accordance with the. Annex 17, Guidelines for the reopening of economic and productive activities of the Conference of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces of 16 May 2020); “Shared protocol for the regulation of measures to combat and contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus in the workplace” signed on 14 March 2020; Official Bulletin of the Lazio Region Regional of the 13/06/2020 Number 76.
1. The use of the mask by guests is mandatory. Children under six years of age are exempt from the mandatory use of the mask, as well as people with disabilities that are not compatible with its continuous use. In outdoor common areas, such as terraces and stairs, the mask must be worn when the interpersonal distance of at least one metre cannot be guaranteed.
2. Employees are required to wear the mask when in the presence of customers and in any case in all circumstances where it is not possible to guarantee the interpersonal distance of at least one metre.
3. Please avoid hugs, handshakes and in any case prolonged contact with the staff.
4. Please respect the interpersonal distance of at least one metre in all common areas and do not stay longer than strictly necessary in the entrance and exit areas. Interpersonal distance does not apply to members of the same family group or cohabitants, nor to persons occupying the same room.
5. Please disinfect your hands with the hydro-alcoholic solutions provided by our facility.
6. Guests with symptoms of COVID-19 such as fever, cough or breathing difficulties are requested to stay in the room and to communicate with the reception only by phone. We will call a doctor according to the procedures indicated.
Rules for check-in and check-out:
1. Please let us know your arrival time.
2. Please keep one metre away from the reception desk.
3. Please send us your identity document electronically in order to facilitate the check in process. We inform you that your personal dates will be processed only for the following purposes: Registration and communication to public security. If there are several members of a household or group of travellers, please designate one person to check in and check out. To facilitate the check-out procedures, we ask our guests to pay the amount due for the tourist tax or the balance of the room at check-in. Guests can agree to self check-out. In this case the amount of the tourist tax and whatever else is due must have been paid. We will instruct you how to leave the keys.
4. Even in the absence of staff, guests are obliged to follow the prevention measures as per protocol, in particular the use of the mask in common areas and respect for interpersonal distance.
Facility cleaning and hygiene regulations
Your health and safety are of the utmost importance to us.
1. The cleaning and disinfection of all environments and rooms, with particular attention to common areas and surfaces most frequently touched, is carried out in accordance with the protocols and with the products indicated by the Superior Institute of Health and the Ministry of Health. Common areas are disinfected several times a day and according to frequency. All rooms are sanitized upon departure of the guests.
2. The rooms are ventilated before, during and after cleaning and always when disinfectants are used.
3. Every object provided in use by the structure to the guest, is disinfected before and after each use. Please keep room keys during your whole stay.
4. The ventilation and air conditioning elements are cleaned and disinfected weekly in accordance with the protocols of the Higher Institute of Health and the Ministry of Health.
5. The linen in use at the facility is disinfected on collection and then washed and disinfected in accordance with the procedures indicated by the Ministry of Health.
6. Guests who wish can opt not to have their room cleaned daily. In any case, please note that the staff is required to wear gloves during cleaning operations. Gloves are changed once the cleaning of a room is finished. In addition, the staff is obliged to change gloves when making the beds and every time they touch the clean linen to be changed in the guest room.
Privacy Statement
Dear customer,
We would like to inform you that Legislative Decree No. 196 of 30 June 2003 (“Personal Data Protection Act”) provides for the protection of persons with regard to the processing of personal data. In accordance with the aforementioned law, such processing will be based on the principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency and on the protection of your privacy and your rights. In accordance with article 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, we therefore provide you with the following information :
1. The data you provide will be processed for the following purposes: Registration and communication to public security
2. The provision of data is mandatory for managers of hotels and other accommodation facilities. This obligation is established by art. 109 of the Law on Public Security, according to which managers of hotels and other accommodation facilities must notify the public security authority daily of the arrival of the persons accommodated, in accordance with the procedures established by decree of the Ministry of the Interior. Managers who do not provide for the communication of the persons accommodated are subject to the application of a criminal sanction.
3. The data will not be communicated to other subjects, nor will they be disseminated.